Grow Wild


Grow Wild
Weekly conservation sessions benefitting local green spaces, community, health and wellbeing.


Grow Wild is a way to be together outdoors, spend time positively, protect and care for local natural habitats and crucial parkland, and learn new skills.
All these things are important for an individuals' personal growth, and to feel connected to their communities and the nature around them.


Grow Wild Sessions

From 1pm-3pm On Thursdays (and the odd Monday at Ham Lands) we meet at Ham Avenues / The Copse.
Using tools provided, we build dead-hedges, clear invasive species, coppice trees and much more. 
Every season, every day, brings its own tasks and wonders. 


                                                            2nd / 9th / 23rd / 29th May                                                                               13th May


Project Background

Many people don't know about the green spaces on our doorstep, or feel the benefits of engaging with them.
Since 2021, we have been offering weekly sessions for the general public to get stuck in to conservation in Richmond, providing accessible sessions for people with any experience.
We run regular sessions with Grey Court school nearby, do summer litter picks, and have even developed AQA unit certificates to track and record volunteer progress through the sessions.

We believe everyone should have access to nature, and we particularly run Grow Wild to support people who have barriers to engaging with nature to get involved outdoors.


We are looking for more volunteers!


Get in contact, or just drop in!

We want to see you Grow Wild.