Greening Richmond Schools


Greening Richmond Schools
A project funded by Richmond Climate Change Emergency, and linked to Richmond Biodervisity Action Plans.

2023 was the first year that LGOAL had the opportunity to begin working with 11 secondary schools in the Borough, to support the development of student-led action plans for nature areas and improvements in their schools. 


The Project

Engaging with key members of school staff to support a cohort of students through 4 LGOAL-guided workshops to design and deliver a 'greening' action plan for their school.

The Greening Richmond workshops involve hands-on activities as well as theoretical learning, and help students and teachers expand their vision for the schools.
We then provide ongoing practical support from advice to physical and mental wellbeing support, to connecting with Parks Team network, and a £500 project grant to each of the schools involved to help them action their designs. 
The council also plant a tree for the school as part of the project.

The student group sets out to meet a deliverable action plan and support each other, while supported by the designated staff and our LGOAL project staff. 

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Our Vision

Greening Richmond Schools gives a voice to young people not normally heard in the climatechange debate offering them an opportunity to take positive action.

This inspiring challenge aims to create a community of Climate Change consciousness in Richmond secondary schools.  
We support physical health and wellbeing for those involved along with both curriculum-linked and lifelong learning while linking to the Richmond Biodiversity Plans.

Students learn about biodiversity, recycling, composting, and water-saving, as the framework encourages schools to enable them to
‘think, explore, develop, imagine and consider’ within their working group.

Young people will learn about career opportunities in the green sector, research plant lifeand biodiversity, communicate within their school community and beyond whilst ultimately designing and implementing a space that will benefit not only future student groups butcreate species rich habitats within the school grounds.

Built on the vision that young people have for the natural world, this project explores thethemes of climate change while supporting schools to develop an action plan to “Rewild” their school grounds and develop a more biodiverse environment.


Make a positive contribution by taking action.